Communal Kitchen Gardens

Gardening isn’t just for the people who own allotments or large gardens, it can also be for places with minimal space or even just a balcony!

Blue Star can help create, install and maintain an area, big or small, to grow vegetables, fruits and herbs, which the community can benefit from.

Read on to find out our tips and tricks on how we can make the most out of your space, and the best vegetables, fruits, and herbs to plant in confined spaces, and to bring people together.

Raised beds

A raised bed is perfect for small spaces, as they allow you to build up soil, instead of having to spread it across horizontally. And not only do these save space by building the soil upwards, but, using organically rich soil is the single most important factor in encouraging healthy and extensive roots, which are then able to reach more nutrients and water. This results in very happy vegetables!

Climbing plants

Buying plants that grow vertically is perfect for the smallest of gardens. We can create a trellis on one side of the raised bed and tie the growing vines to it. Some examples of vining crops are tomatoes, pole beans, peas, squash, and melons.

bunch of tomatoes ripening on the branch


Succession planting is sowing a row every few weeks and allows you to grow more than one crop in a small space over the growing season. Here are a few tips to get the most out of your succession plantings: Use transplants, which are crops that are already a month or so old. Choose fast-maturing varieties. Replenish the soil each time you replant.


Want to make even more use out of your limited space? Why not try caging your peppers. As they grow tall, they have a tendency to fall over, but a galvanised wire growing cage can help them grow upright, let light shine through and make them easy to move around.

Want to add something more rustic? Why not add a vintage wooden ladder to maximise the growing space in tight spots. These are perfect for potted plants and herbs and are very trendy!

Need something cool and urban to grow you herbs in? Why not try an herb wheel planter! This was made popular in the Victorian era and features many different herbs in a circular or hexagonal design.


Here are some crops we can plant that are guaranteed to put a smile on people’s faces:

  • Strawberries
  • Tomatoes
  • Potatoes
  • Peas
  • Chillies
  • Spring onions
  • Parsley
  • Mint
  • Basil
  • Rosemary
Fresh herb from the garden growing in wooden box, basil, mint and rosemary. Herbs on wooden white background.

About Blue Star

At Blue Star, our fully trained teams take pride in the installation, maintenance and garden management of communal gardens, specialising in prestigious retirement communities.

If you’re interested in finding more about creating a communal garden, give our friendly team a call on 07703562081 and we’ll be happy to have a chat with you to see how we can improve the outdoor space you have.

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138 Western Road
West Sussex


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